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Cadets and Bivouac 2024

Commanding Officer Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU, MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Bivouac Camp

Today, the whole Cadet Unit departed on their first Cadet camp for the new Cadet Year – Bivouac 2024. This is a chance for our recruits to put into practice the lessons they have learned over the past several weeks. Cadets are due to return to the College on Sunday, 8 September, at approximately 5pm, depending on traffic. Recruits will be dismissed upon return to the College and Senior Rank will be dismissed once stores are returned to Q Store.

For any queries, or for communication with the Cadet Unit during camp, please contact the Cadet Administration Officer, LT(AAC) Jessie Stanley on 9369 0652 or cadets@waverley.nsw.edu.au

Cadet Weekly Report by Media Platoon

As they ready themselves for the upcoming bivouac, Charlie Company took valuable time this Friday to learn how to tie crucial knots and put up hutchies.

They learned the knots ‘bow line’ and ‘rolling hitch.’ The bow line ties ropes to the hutchie, while the rolling hitch ties around the tree. The rolling hitch allows for easy customisation of the hutchie’s height, which helps a lot when it comes to sleeping out in the bush.

In other news, the recruits of 8-Platoon were very inquisitive about the upcoming bivouac asking multiple questions to their Corporals, Sergeants and Company Sergeant Major (CSM). This is really positive as it shows that the recruits have a genuine interest in the Unit and its activities.

General comments from the rank were positive with CPL Praman Gandhi saying that activities for the recruits on Friday were, “Good fun.”  CSM WO2 Luke Nezval also gave an overview of how Charlie Company has been performing since the beginning of the 2024-2025 Cadet Year stating, “This [recruit] year shows a keen interest in what it means to be in Cadets and to face the challenges that arise.”

Report written by CPL Carter Hughes

Photos taken by CPL Carter Hughes